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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
other than as disclosed above, none of the Directors in office at the end of the financial year had any interest in shares,
options over shares or warrants of the Company or its related corporations during the financial year.
Issue of shares
During the financial year, the Company increased its issued and paid up capital fromRM2,064,824,000 to RM2,079,413,000
by way of:
(a) The issuance of 12,889,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each for cash arising from the exercise of options under
the Company’s ESoS at the option prices as disclosed in Note 28(e) to the financial statements; and
(b) The issuance of 1,700,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each for cash arising from the exercise of Warrants
2010/2015 at the exercise price of RM2.66 per warrant in accordance with the Deed Poll dated 15 April 2010 as
disclosed in Note 28(b) to the financial statements.
The ordinary shares issued from the exercise of options and Warrants 2010/2015 shall rank pari passu in all respects with
the existing issued ordinary shares of the Company except that they shall not be entitled to any dividends, rights, allotments
and/or other distributions, the entitlement date of which is prior to the date of allotment of the new shares.
Employees’ share option scheme
The Gamuda Berhad Employees’ Share option Scheme (“ESoS”) was approved by shareholders at the Extraordinary General
Meeting held on 5 July 2006 and is effective for 5 years from 6 July 2006 to 5 July 2011 (“Expiry Date”). on 22 December
2009, the Expiry Date was subsequently extended to 5 July 2014, pursuant to By-law 17.3 of the ESoS.
The principal features of the ESoS, details of share options exercised during the financial year and outstanding at the end of
the financial year are disclosed in Note 28(c) and Note 28(e).
The Company has been granted exemption by the Companies Commission of Malaysia from having to disclose the names
of option holders, other than directors, who have been granted options to subcribe for less than 65,000 ordinary shares of
RM1.00 each. The names of the option holders granted options to subscribe for 65,000 or more ordinary shares of RM1.00
each during the financial year are as follows:-
Expiry date
Number of options
Lai Tak Ming
5 July 2014
Tan Siew Pen
5 July 2014
Tham Yim Yok
5 July 2014
Ng Yoke Poh
5 July 2014
hong Kok Siong
5 July 2014
Ng Guan hoe
5 July 2014
Cheng Siang Yang
5 July 2014
Mangala Bhavani a/p R.Krishna Iyer
5 July 2014
Lee onn Sheong
5 July 2014
Yeoh hin Kok
5 July 2014