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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
Annual General Meeting
Permai Room, Kota Permai Golf & Country Club,
no. 1, Jalan 31/100A, Kota Kemuning, section 31,
40460 shah Alam, selangor Darul ehsan.
Thursday, 6 December 2012 at 10.00 am.
002 on The ReGionAl FRonT
006 PeRFoRMAnCe ReVieW
- Five-Year Financial highlights
- Chairman’s Perspective
- Prospects for Financial Year 2013
014 oPeRATions ReVieW
- Core Business
- engineering and Construction
- Property Development
- infrastructure Concessions
044 GRouP AWARDs & AChieVeMenTs
048 CoRPoRATe inFoRMATion
- Directors’ Profile
- Corporate Data
- Corporate structure
060 CoRPoRATe ResPonsiBiliTY
- Corporate social Responsibility
- Quality, safety & health and environment (Qshe)
- human Capital Development
- Community and social Development
086 CoRPoRATe GoVeRnAnCe
- Corporate Governance statement
- statement on internal Control
- Audit Committee Report
- other Disclosures
102 FinAnCiAl sTATeMenTs & oTheRs
- Directors’ Report
- statement by Directors
- statutory Declaration
- independent Auditors’ Report
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated statement of Comprehensive income
- Consolidated statement of Financial Position
- Consolidated statement of Changes in equity
- Consolidated statement of Cash Flows
- income statement
- statement of Comprehensive income
- statement of Financial Position
- statement of Changes in equity
- statement of Cash Flows
- notes to the Financial statements
- supplementary information
- statement of Directors’ interests
- shareholders’ & Warrantholders’ information
- list of Major Properties