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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
& AChieVeMenTs
• sMART, Best international Project, British
Construction industry Award
• sMART, Design & Construction excellence Award,
institution of engineers Malaysia
• sMART, Best Contractor Award, CiDB Malaysian
Construction industry excellence Award
• shah Alam expressway, Builder’s Gold Medal
Award for Civil engineering Construction Works,
international Federation of Asian & Western
Pacific Contractor’s Association
• sMART, special Award for innovation, CiDB
Malaysian Construction industry excellence Award
• sMART, special Award for environment, CiDB
Malaysian Construction industry excellence Award
• Kaohsiung MRT, Air Quality Protection Model
Award, The environmental Bureau of Kaohsiung
Country Government, Republic of China
• Kaohsiung MRT, Planning and implementation
Award for environmental Protection Policies,
Government of Taiwan through the environmental
Protection Administration
nATionAl ConTRiBuTion
• sMART, special Award for national Contribution,
Malaysia Property Award 2010, international Real
estate Federation (FiABCi), Malaysian Chapter
• sMART, specialised Project (Purpose Built)
Category, Runner up, FiABCi Prix d’excellence
Awards 2011, international Real estate Federation
• sMART, united nations scroll of honour Award
2011, World habitat Day