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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
Continuous reviews on the osh Management
system and its approach are being carried out to
meet our policy commitment, the requirements
of our clients, and the relevant legal provisions.
Key performance indicators on the achievement
of safety and health targets are constantly being
assessed and improved.
environmental Programmes & Achievements
environmental management is an essential part
of Gamuda’s operations. The Group takes a strong
stand towards environmental protection as it is our
responsibility to ensure the projects we undertake
comply with the existing environmental legal
framework and do not jeopardise the environment
weoperate in. starting fromour earlydaysof building
rural roads to our latest major urban expressways
and the mass rapid transit, we strive to conduct our
business activities in a sustainable manner with
minimal impact to the natural surroundings.
in line with our environment-conscious approach,
a set of environment-centric programmes were
executed during the financial year for all the
projects we are working on. The programmes
were implemented in a comprehensive manner, in
concert with our joint venture partner, contractors
and suppliers. The efforts include:
• Monitored project progress to maintain
compliance with legal requirements;
• introduced the 3R concept – Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle for non-hazardous construction
• implemented control measures for water, air,
noise, vibration, erosion and sedimentation;
• Maintained site ecosystem and biodiversity.
Apart from the above programmes, environment-
focused training was conducted on areas such as
operational control, construction impact, waste
management and legal requisites by the Qshe
team. The training sessions aimed to enhance
awareness and knowledge on environmental
management and at the same time inculcate best
practices among employees and contractors.
in keeping with established policies, constant
reviews, monitoring and improvements on our
delivery programme were carried out to ensure
timeliness, minimal non-conformance and
dissatisfaction among clients, the authorities,
members of the public and stakeholders.
Recognising the importance of preserving the
natural environment for our future generations,
we also endeavour to safeguard the environment
through a series of education and community-
related activities such as the “Adopt a Tree & an
orphan for a Day” event – a one-day programme
that fosters environmental conservation and
appreciation among underprivileged children.
internally, the Group has begun to endorse the use
construction materials in the course of our
business operations. other planned environmental
initiatives include conserving natural resources
through efficient use of water, electricity and paper
to be implemented at all business premises.
Going forward, more comprehensive training
programmes, workshops and seminars will be
organised for employees and contractors echoing
the gravity of our stand against environmental
degradation. The most recent workshop held on
sustainable construction was well received among
the Group’s employees.