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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
• An integrated Management system, incorporating iso
9001:2008, iso 14001:2004, ohsAs 18001:2007
and Ms 1722: Part 1: 2011 requirements has been
established and implemented to continuously
provide high quality, cost effective, reliable, safe and
environmental friendly products and services.
• A Performance Management system whereby business
objectives are clearly defined and targets are set for
each individual employee. employees’ performances
are monitored, appraised and rewarded according to the
achievement of targets set.
• Training and development programmes are identified
and scheduled for employees to acquire the necessary
knowledge and competency to meet their performance
and job expectations.
• An adequately resourced internal Audit Department
which reports directly to the Audit Committee, conducts
regular reviews on integrity and effectiveness of the
Group’s system of internal controls.
• executive Directors and senior Management conduct
regular site visits and communicate with employees of
different levels to have first-hand knowledge of significant
operational matters and risks.
• Board representation in its associated companies.
information on the financial performance of these
associated companies is provided regularly to the
Management and Board of the Company via Group
management reporting procedures and presentations at
Board meetings respectively.
• in respect of joint ventures entered into by the Group,
the Management of the joint ventures, which consist of
representations from the Group and other joint venture
partners are responsible to oversee the administration,
operation, performance and executive Management of
the joint venture. Financial and operational information
of these joint ventures are provided regularly to the
Management of the Company.
The Board confirms that the Group’s system of internal
control is being properly implemented throughout the Group
and continuous reviews of the systems and controls are
being carried out to ensure its adequacy and effectiveness.
All internal control weaknesses identified during the period
under review have been or are being addressed. There were
no major internal control weaknesses that require disclosure
in the Annual Report. The Management continues to take
measures to strengthen the control environment.
ReVieW oF The sTATeMenT BY The eXTeRnAl AuDiToRs
The external Auditors have reviewed the statement on
internal Control and reported to the Board that nothing has
come to their attention that causes them to believe the
statement is inconsistent with their understanding of the
process adopted by the Board in reviewing the adequacy
and integrity of the system of internal controls.