Gamuda Berhad (Company No. 29579-T) (“Gamuda” or “Company”) wishes to inform that its 50% jointly controlled entity, MGJV has notified the Company today that they have been served with the Notice by Emrail on 25 October 2018.
The Notice is premised on Emrail’s alleged dispute and differences arising out of the Conditions of Contract dated 23 December 2010 for the Construction, Completion, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Track Works for the Electrified Double Track Project between Ipoh and Padang Besar.
MGJV is seeking advice from MGJV’s solicitors, and where appropriate will take the necessary actions in relation to the Notice.
None of the Directors or major shareholders of Gamuda or persons connected with them has any interest, direct or indirect in the aforesaid Notice.
Gamuda will make the necessary announcement once there is a material development in relation to the above matter.
This announcement is dated 29 October 2018.