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Gamuda Berhad (29579-T) • Annual Report 2012
CoRPoRATe soCiAl
We see corporate social responsibility (CsR) as an essential part
of our business activities and consistent with being a responsible
The Gamuda Group sees corporate social responsibility (CsR) as an important part of our business activities
and consistent with being a responsible organisation. Caring for our communities, protecting the environment,
and taking care of the welfare of our employees and business partners while delivering our commitments to
our customers, are in harmony with our values. Balanced economic growth, environmental protection, and
social progress can be achieved with the right efforts.
The various elements of our CsR programmes fall in 3 main areas.
Quality, Safety & Health,
and Environment (QSHE)
• Qshe Policy statement
• Quality Programmes & Achievements
• safety & health Programmes
& Achievements
• environmental Programmes
& Achievements
Human Capital
• Tunnelling Training Academy
• Construction Training Centre
• Gamuda Plant operator school
• Gamuda scholarship Award
• Gamuda learning Centre
• Gamuda Quantity surveyor
Apprenticeship Programme
Community and
Social Development
• Calendar of events
• Community outreach
• employee engagement